Sunday, December 19, 2010

Slumdog Millionaire

"Because i'm a slumdog, a chai wallah, i'm a liar, right?"
 ---  Jamal Malik

I still remember the expression in Jamal's face when his said this.
I still remember the touches from this movie.
I still remember its name although 2 years has past.
<Slumdog Millionaire>

Something is always written in our life although we would not realize it when it happened. Just like the poverty, the religion, the murder, the luck, and, the one we loved.

So i'm not amuzing at why Jamal kept finding Latika constantly during his growing. I believed that it is their destiny and no matter what blocked them they can finally be together.

But it really touched me when they had the dialogue as blow.
--- I love you.
---So what?

Sometimes, life just likes that, and it seems that we had nothing to do to against it when in trouble, in poverty. But we must also keep the idea that, the poverty and the suffering may also be the biggest wealth that we may have during the whole lifetime, as we still have hopes, living bravily and upright.

I also touched by Salim, Jamal's brother, although he had do lots of wrong to live. "Life is shit, but God is great. "

Although it looks like a story about love, but i think the point of the movie is its truthful. It describe a true life in India and the true position of the poor all over the world. Sometime, or i can say in most positions, just as they are poor, we consider them as liar. Is it reliable?! Is it fair when we ignore their hardwork for their life?!

That is the true world.

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